В славянской мифологии есть птица Си́рин. От головы до пояса она прекрасная дева, а ниже - птица. Говорят, что это райская птица посланница подземного царства. Она неописуемо красива и поет песни о блаженстве, но мелодиями Сирин способна свести с ума любого человека.

 In Slavic mythology there is a bird Sirin. From head to waist, she is a beautiful maiden, and below - a bird. They say that this bird of paradise is the ambassador of the underworld. She is indescribably beautiful and sings songs about bliss, but Sirin can drive anyone’s mind to melodies.

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The creative photo shoot of Cousteau, which was sew by me. I inspired by the mythical bird Sirin. Hope you'll like it C:
