Recently I created 3 illustrations based on some passages from Howl's Moving Castle novel by Diana Wynne Jones for an illustration competition run by House of Illustration and Folio Society. Alas, I didn't get to be in the longlist, but, hey, I ended up reading the original story because of this competition!
initial sketches
"Sophie got into the habit of putting each hat on its stand as she finished it, where it sat looking almost like a head without a body, and pausing while she told the hat what the body under it ought to be like."
"The tall young fellow in a flamboyant blue-and-silver suit who had just come in stopped in the act of leaning a guitar in the corner. He brushed the fair hair from his rather curious glass green eyes and stared back."
"And there was the falling star. Sophie could see it, a little white descending flame shape a few yards beyond the dark movements that were Michael. The bright shape was coming down slowly now, and it looked as if Michael might catch it."
For more illustrations follow my instagram: @claraccw. Thanks!
Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle

A series of illustrations based on Howl's Moving Castle novel by Diana Wynne Jones.
