Chloe Smith's profile

Information Graphics

The inspiration for this project came from the division of time, and how useful of a tool it can be - especially when looking at productivity. 
I began to research into what I do in an hour - this hour can be divided into minutes, 60 of them. I then realised this would be a helpful tool when looking at the productivity of each of my projects and the amount of time I spend not doing it - when I could & should be. 
This research would then mean nothing unless i compared it to someone else's data, so I decided that I would compare myself to, in my opinion, the most productive student in my Graphic Design group. I asked her to do exactly as I was in terms of research and record what she was doing at the particular moment in time, every hour for a whole week, and I would do the same. 
By the end of the week I had alot of data on spreadsheets that I then had to make visually appealing and so people to compare the data without having to read through pages and pages of data side by side. 
This is how I divided time visually at first - using a circle to represent the continuity of time. 
I then took this divison of time and created pattern from it, each representing a minute - this represents an hour. The bigger, overlapping nature of some of the circles is also representative of time.
After pages and pages of research into the comparison of myself and Jessica I then had to represent this data visually - When researching methods of Information Graphics I came across radial convergence diagrams and knew this would be perfect to represent my findings. 
This is an example of how the research looked visually when I first started out trying to plot my results. 
Eventually it was decided that the above diagram needed space so that my data could be easily read. I opened out my catagories and this is the design that was the building blocks for my final layout.
This is then what a typical layout would look for each day of information I had gathered.
After all the data was collected and represented visually I overlayed each days convergence diagram to create these two very graphic designs. I did this so both of our data was instantly comparable when referring to the colour key that I had created for all of the lines. 
This was the final layout, I printed it on A2 glossy paper, the diagrams took me several hours to complete and the layout a further few hours. 
Overall I am very please with how this has turned out & think this project really helped me work more effectively in regards to all my projects - it put into perspective how much time I spent doing nothing, the project had helped me to use my time more wisely and get on with my uni work more often than I previously did, this has definately shown in projects that I did after this.
This was my division of time, using a circle to represent the continuity of time.
Information Graphics

Information Graphics

Comparison of data to improve productivity.
