I used shape to form a a pattern shot
Used pattern of lines to for a shaped picture
By having a large object in the frame it adds volume to the background objects
By using the clear bright background and having bare trees it creates a dark emotion to the image
By having the background bright and having the house have texture on the house create a smooth feeling for the image
The pattern of the houses line add substance to the image
By using the pole as a leading line it makes the view follow the image
By using the clear bright background and having bare trees it creates a dark emotion to the image
By reflecting the light off the glass and having constant lines on the house create a smooth feeling

1. How can understanding the elements and principles of photography add to your work as an artist?
- Add to what the photos suppose to convey

2. What did you learn or refine from this assignment?
- Learned to combine elements

3. How can this assignment be improved in the future?
- I think its pretty good as it is
Comp/Art. 2019

Comp/Art. 2019


Creative Fields