Retícula Studio's profileAndrea Balmori's profile


Tiza is a celebration of the traditions and women that characterize Mexico; they achieve it through a fair trade platform, accelerating the economic growth and integral well-being of artisanal communities.​​​​​​​
The Eyes of God are symbols of power and protection, they serve to see and understand the unknown. In its ceremonial sense, the Eye of God is an offering that is made to the gods to ask for the good growth of children. 
The use of this element alludes to the traditional, the mystical and the complex, as is the visual language of all Mexican Handcrafts.
We developed brand applications that respond to a unique protagonist. In the case of presentation applications, a frame is used to draws attention to what matters: the brand. For labels and other applications we proposed applications that let the crafts shine and not to be overshadowed by overpowering graphics.


Branding for Mexican Artisans
