HORIZON [clouds of empty letters over the horizon] is my latest handmade book, with reproduced collages from vintage envelopes, photography, painting and monotype prints extracted from the original and unique Horizon book. Hardcover and hand bound over tapes, 48 pages and a 8 page stitched on booklet on the cover with digital drawings of clouds, 14 x 19,5 cm. These "trade" book-works are made in an edition of two batches of 8, and self published in 2019.
"Reminders of written messages, thoughts and feelings carried across the horizon reaching far out from the sender to the receiver. Only fragments are the leftovers now, the letters are empty evaporated into the clouds. It’s only a guess what has been received. Was it an invoice, bad news, good news, a love letter?"
The images below show some stages from "the making of" the book. The original book, the dummies and details.
A few books were available here but sold out now
The last books are available here at LE BAL Books - Paris, France

Thank you for watching the Horizon book project.


"Reminders of written messages, thoughts and feelings carried across the horizon reaching far out from the sender to the receiver. Only fragments Read More
