Knock knock is a signage system designed to guide tourists and residents on a tour
through private homes and offices, where are hidden many of the Urbino frescoes
unknown to the usual tourist paths.
The concept is inspired by the action of observing the sky.
Looking upwards, the same gesture you make to admire a fresco.
The name refers to the action of knocking on a door,
to ask for access to a private place, not always accessible.
The logo and the signage were designed on the proportions of the typical bricks of Urbino.
The shape, similar to an arrow, invites the eyes of the observer to follow the direction.
Each signage panel is accompanied by different slogans to arouse the users' curiosity.
The signage panel prototype was made of cardboard, and was designed
taking into account different levels of distance and information.
You can see the arrow from a distance, then read the slogan and finally read the information about the place.
The project includes: the signage system, the brochure with the map of Urbino
in which are indicated the places of the frescoes and the postcards,
to allow these frescoes to get out of the houses and offices and go elsewhere.
Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Knock knock is a signage system designed to guide tourists and residents on a tour through private homes and offices, where are hidden many of th Read More
