Reconnecting the leading car dealership technology provider to its global audience

CDK has dominated the global market in Dealer Management Software for over 25 years, working with all the major car brands.

The challenge 

They were well known but needed to rebuild trust with their audience. With the business evolving to become a more open technology platform, it was the perfect time to create a brand that would help change these perceptions and unify an 8,000-strong organisation.

To effect a real change in the market perception of CDK, we needed to shift the organisation from closed to open, from dominant to relevant, from facilitator to enabler.

The opportunity 

We identified there was an opportunity for CDK to sit at the heart of the industry, connecting the dots and helping to shape the future of the automotive retail experience.

A new creative platform 

We developed the creative platform ‘Where connections begin’.

Externally, this presented an inviting and open-ended promise for the industry to re-engage with a rejuvenated CDK. Internally, it offered a fresh start and a new way for the organisation to talk to car brands, dealers and each other.

Bringing it to life

From an inspiring brand book to a complete refresh of tone of voice and look and feel, we set the direction for a whole new set of communications.

A happy client

The brand was launched to a global conference of CDK General Managers, with unanimously positive feedback. Now, CDK is rolling out the new brand globally across all of its touchpoints.

CDK Global

CDK Global

Reconnecting the leading car dealership technology provider to its global audience. CDK has dominated the global market in Dealer Management Sof Read More
