About the artwork of Hiroki Suzuki
The artwork of Hiroki Suzuki appears to be digitally created at a glance,
but in fact it is created with origami paper.
We would like to introduce his style and the process of his artwork.
The material used is origami paper.
He cuts the origami with scissors and pastes them down on to a base paper.
Sometimes he tears the origami with his hands to bring out the texture and add an accent to the design.
The overlapping of the origami brings out a three-dimensional effect and creates a subtle shadow.
The reasons he prefers the handcraft technique.
1) The three-dimensional effect as a result of the overlapping origami paper.
2) The feel of the torn paper
His unique use of colors gives a distinctive style to his artwork.
He established a rule to only use 4 different colors on a single artwork.
This restriction of using just 4 colors creates a more simple yet focused and powerful aesthetic.
He strives to create artwork that impact the viewers with his vivid and pop styles.

> John Lennon on Flickr
How to Make

How to Make

About the artwork of Hiroki Suzuki
