'Magic of the Universe'
Day version
Wall art with the central theme of a starry sky
Imagine your own slide of the universe, complete with shooting stars and fireflies on a single wall that looks different during the day and night.
Materials: Wall emulsion paint, glow paint, acrylics
'Magic of the Universe'
Night version
Wall art with the central theme of a starry sky
Imagine your own slide of the universe, complete with shooting stars and fireflies on a single wall that looks different during the day and night.
Materials: Wall emulsion paint, glow paint, acrylics
Materials: Wall paint, acrylic colours
Size: 2 adjacent walls ( Approximately 16ft x 10ft each )
'Roma' {Recollections from a trip to Rome}
Materials: Wall paint, acrylic colours
Size: Approximately 10ft x 6ft
'Celia' {Inspired by The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern}
Materials: Black chart paper, glue, paper cutter
Volunteer work | Wall art for a semi-urban school
{See 'Community Service' project in my portfolio}
Materials: Wall paint, acrylic colours
"May you touch dragonflies and stars, dance with fairies and talk to the moon." ~ Unknown

Giving life to this obsession with the dragonfly, each of these was cut out from paper and brought to life on my wall. Read more here.
'World of my own'
Wall art with the central theme of travel
The idea was to depict everything that I love using doodles on a single wall that looked diffrent during the day and night.
Materials: Wall emulsion paint, glow paint, acrylics
Wall art inspired by the John Lennon song with the same title
(The stars and silhouettes come alive at night in a glowing neon color)
Materials: Acrylic and glow-in-the-dark paint
'The Wabi-Sabi Project'
Embracing imperfection and impermanence in art through a deeper enjoyment of the process.
(Mock stained glass using transparent sheets onto glass doors)
Materials: Acrylic, Markers and Chart paper
Wall Art

Wall Art

I hate blank spaces, the ones which do not serve a higher purpose by being blank. And so I love to get those brushes and paints out and get to wo Read More
