Social Medic
Social Medic is an app that allows people to update other people on their medical condition.

When you join Social Medic you able to connect to people all over the world, who could be going through the same thing as you and to know you are not alone. People are able to share their status by posting in their profile with a picture, text, video or a combination of the three. These posts will be put into other users feeds as well.

Other people without conditions are able to join the app and give them messages of support through the comment section.

All users will able to follow other people if the user wants to be followed.
User Profile
This app is for 3 groups of people. First is people who have a medical condition. These people may have difficulty moving or are simply not able to get out of the house and tell people how they are doing. This solves that issue because they don't have to leave their bed to tell everyone how they are doing.

Second is people who want to follow the people who are hurt or sick to see how they are going and to give them support.

Finally it could be used by doctors to allow them to keep up with how their patients are going without the patient actually telling them.
Pencil and Paper Wireframes and Storyboard
Social Medic

Social Medic

Social Medic is an app that allows people to update other people on their medical condition that they are going through


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