My first camera is Sony, so I always am a big fan of Sony's camera. When Sony a7 came out, I knew it was my favorite camera at the time, the shape, the orange ring and everything. But during then I didn't have the financial ability to buy it. So I modeled a digital one for myself, additionally to test my CG capability.

After few years, the a7 series has evolved a lot, as well as the computer power, both software and hardware, and my CG capability. So I brought out the old model and polished it with the modern CG power, furthermore, to test again how much I grew from 4 years ago. Also, in memory for I finally acquire the real camera from a7 series and the 55mm lens.

All aspects
Modeling / Shading / Lighting / Compositing : Children Chiu

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The old Sony a7

The old Sony a7

The old sony a7 CGI rendering
