Jonathan C's profile

Assorted UX/IxD

On this page you'll find projects I worked on where there was a UX contribution of some sort. I'll always link to my documents, so if you'd like to get a better idea of how I work through problems, and how I present my solutions, please feel free to take a look.
While working at 180 I was asked to explore concepts for an agency site redesign. I started with mobile interaction methods, did informal research, and created wireframes for a possible redesign. Click below for any of my UX documents:

Mobile Explorations
Tying back to their line "Moving Money for Better", Western Union wanted to create a digital campaign that asked people how they would use money to "better" life for someone else. What we created was a hub that allowed people to describe their better, and offer that up to the community to vote on. Top betters were rewarded with a wire from Western Union and their story documented online. I helped with the original concept phase by presenting the concept through user journeys, and after we received client approval, I worked through and detailed the experience in wireframes.

User Journeys
180 was pitching Sony for the Playstation business in Europe, and our assignment was to create an online campaign for a game coming out later that year, Resistance 3. In game, the time gap between Resistance 2 and 3 was quite large so our concepts revolved around filling in that story and leading up to the launch of the new game.

Sony visited our office for the pitch, where we decorated different rooms according to concept. When the creative team finished explainingi the concept, I used these diagrams to summarize what was happening, where, and with what technology. We won the business.
During the summer of 2012, I was asked to help our Bayer team refine and detail a digital experience for a partnership between Flintstones Vitamins and a charity, Vitamin Angels.. My first impression was that the concept our team had sold was a bit on the complicated side so I detailed that experience, and contrasted it with a simpler, and more focused solution. Our client loved our thinking, so I worked through a site design that promoted the partnership, and a Facebook application that let Mom's work together as a community to unlock rewards.

Original Presentation / Facebook Wireframes Wireframes
Assorted UX/IxD

Assorted UX/IxD

On this page you'll find projects I worked on where there was a UX contribution of some sort. I'll always link to my documents, so if you'd like Read More
