Shedding Light

Just like visiting the doctor after getting a virus or breaking an arm, mental health must be treated and taken seriously. Unfortunately many illnesses in the mind are difficult to see and understand. With rigorous schedules and not enough time in the week, many teenagers suffer from this complex issue. Shedding Light is a documentary that features the Clovis Support Intervention groups at local high schools.
Megan Gross 2018

This is my [Megan's] infograph. I am very proud of how it turned it. As you can see, I used a gradient background. I also added a graphic that I designed using a vector art. I added thought bubbles around some of the infographic art to show that mental illness is in the brain and revolves around toxic thoughts. I used paint strokes as the stroke around the bubbles to add character. I used Adobe Illustrator to create this art.
Joey Watson 2018
Shedding Light