Swiss Fin Lab - explainer video

We have been working in close collaboration with the Swiss Fin Lab team to create an animation video that would help illustrate how a solution of ZOA Personal Data Exchange gives individuals greater transparency and control over their personal data stored at different companies and organisations.

Some of the initial sketches for the project.

Making the calendar forced us to take the animation in 3D. But to make a proper rotation of the hammer and the hand, we had to combine frame-by-frame animation of the hand with the 3D-model of hammer. 

Because of the complexity of the human hand, we weren't able to animate it in After Effects. So we only animated arm in AE using basic layer parenting, and then animated hand, using traditional frame by frame technique. Later, frame-by-framed sequence of the hand was parented to the character's elbow in After Effects.

Some of the final shots that made it into the video

Swiss Fin Lab - explainer video