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Operação Nariz Vermelho Shoe exhibition piece

Create a piece for the 15 years exhibition of Operation Red Nose Portugal, 
an NGO that brings joy to all hospitalized children.

A piece that invites us to enter the circus of joy that is the Red Nose Association. 
It symbolizes the path the institution followed for the past 15 years and represents 
all the Doctor Clowns in the most genuine way possible: a big smile and lots of noses.

A shoe with dozens of noses and a smile on the beak, to kick out the sadness and bring joy to all its visitors. An idea that entered the exhibition with the right foot and was so successful that they even tried to buy it, even though it was notfor sale.

Client: Operação Nariz Vermelho
Designer: Anne-Laure Chauvin

All rights reserved to NOSSA™

Operação Nariz Vermelho Shoe exhibition piece

Operação Nariz Vermelho Shoe exhibition piece

A design piece to celebrate the 15 years exhibition of Operation Red Nose Portugal, an NGO that brings joy to all hospitalized children.
