Humans and Nature​​​​​​​
Ink on paper, Book Arts
OCT - DEC 2015
Ten patterns and structures found in nature, drawn with ink on paper to explore varieties, differences and the beauty of them. Among the depicted structures are wood, scales, DNA, litches and water, goal was to understand and connect structures and organisms with each other.​​​​​​​
Humans are dependent on nature, the connection between cells and our DNA is there and evolutionary proven. There are structures as the human heart (the vessel for blood) that look remarkable like structures out of the animal world as for example the construction of a  wasp hive.​​​​​​​
Both are part of the living, organic world, following specific rules that effect shape and size. The images above show the combination of them in a merged image - a hybrid between heart and hive - in a three-dimensional object.​​​​​​​
Humans, animals and plants are codependent. Because all comes from the same source, nature. The differences evolved changing form and complexity. Consequently, if one chain link brakes away the whole system is off-balance.
The book 'Golden Thread' explores this topic, featuring illustrations and photos of the three-dimensional object seen above.​​​​​​​
Humans and Nature 2015

Humans and Nature 2015

Project for my first year of university studying Illustration and Visual Media at the London College of Communication - UAL. The project is explo Read More
