Żaneta Strawiak's profile

Science School Book – BA final project

Science School Book (physics) for Grade One of Gimnasium
(BA final project)
The subject of the graduation work is a design for the science book for first grade students of lower secondary schools. It explains simple natural laws of physics in an easy, accessible way. The visual ideas refer to the previous experiences of a first-grader. Illustrations present natural phenomena in a funny way, which makes the learning easier and more pleasant.
The book starts with QR codes which give access to on-line multimedia visualisations. The whole book is divided into two sections, one is blue and the other is red. The colours are inspired by magnetic poles. Page proportions are based on the golden ratio. The book has been printed on Lessebo Design Smooth paper with paperweight of 100 g.
first drawings & work in a photo studio
Science School Book – BA final project


Science School Book – BA final project

/ Physics textbook for middle school / B.A. project / Podręcznik do fizyki dla 1-wszej klasy gimnazjum / Dyplom licencjacki
