Meizu M9

After Meizu launched the first smart phone M8 in 2008, it attracted a high degree of attention in Chinese smart phone market. Time came to 2009, the Android mobile phone camp led by Google continued to grow, Meizu also followed the technology trend, gave up the original Windows CE operating system, joined the Android OS.

Under a highly mature native system, deep customization was required. What style was suitable for Meizu M9, and what was the design DNA of Meizu M9? Based on the Android system, what kind of experience optimization was needed for Chinese consumers? There were various problems to consider.

2008年魅族推出首款智能手机M8后,在中国智能手机市场引起了超高人气关注度。时间来到2009年, 由Google引领的Android手机阵营不断壮大,魅族也紧跟科技趋势,放弃了原Windows CE操作系统,加入Android系统大军之中。

在一个成熟度很高的原生系统下,需要进行深度定制,什么样的风格适合魅族M9, 魅族M9的设计DNA又是什么?基于Android系统,对于本土消费者来说,需要进行怎样的体验优化?有各种各样的问题需要考虑。​​​​​​​

Video designed by Jim
Mood board​​​​​​​
Information architecture​​​​​​​
Information sketch​​​​​​​
UI frames​​​​​​​
Icon gride​​​​​​​
The details of icons​​​​​​​
Homescreen icons​​​​​​​
Meizu M9


Meizu M9

2008年魅族推出首款智能手机M8后,在中国智能手机市场引起了超高人气关注度。时间来到2009年, 由Google引领的Android手机阵营不断壮大,魅族也紧跟科技趋势,放弃了原Windows CE操作系统,加入了Android大军之中。 在一个成熟度很高的原生系统下,需要进行深度定制 Read More
