Ian Hurley's profile

Knockadoon - Lomo LC-A

Personal work - Capel Way
These photos were taken in a little known place in east Cork, Ireland, called Knockadoon. I have the pleasure of living close by so I can easily explore the area. I love the sea and its surroundings fascinate me form the wild flowers and plants to the unusual insects the inhabit the area.
The photos were taken with the analogue film camera the Lomo LC-A. They were taken for the Lomo LC-A race that took place in 2009 to mark the 25th anniversary of the LC-A camera.  The Lomographic Society International, who organised the competition, encourage the use of analogue cameras and have a huge online community. They want to make sure that analogue photography never dies out. Their moto is "The Future is Analog" .
Knockadoon - Lomo LC-A

Knockadoon - Lomo LC-A

Photos in Knockadoon taken during the Lomo LC-A race 2009.
