In this portrait I used Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create this realistic image. First, I outlined the photo in Illustrator then I brought it into Photoshop. I mainly used the brushes that are already installed in Photoshop and changed the opacity and size to blend. This is a picture of my little cousin, Kevin, and I thought he would be a good subject to paint with. I feel like in the picture there are two focal points that you eye is drawn to: his face and the yellow shirt. I also used the eyedropper to pick the color from the photo, but it was very challenging to blend the skin to look more smooth and realistic. Elements shown in the portrait are form which is shown with the shadows of his fingers and texture is shown through his hair and skin. Principles that are shown are movement with when you look at his face and your eye is drawn downward and there is balance to to his arm is off to the right while his body is more left. 

