XDOM is a product made by Aeromechs, an Italian startup based in Naples, that wants to take home automation to another level.
Based in independent modules, you can apply XDOM products to control doors, gates, windows, heating, air conditioning, etc.
My goal here was to give it a simple look, friendly for the user, colorful and with readable icons, for a more easy memorization of which function.
The logo combines 4 diamonds that represent the modules, and inside the diamonds there's an icon that represents which function. The 4 combined make an X in negative space.
All layouts designed by me.
The app was programmed by Aeromechs developers.
The website programming was made by Meow.
Client: Aeromechs
Year: 2017-2018
The packaging is totally made from recycled paper and to reduce the costs, there's an extra strip that indicates the kind of module you're buying.

