novum magazine's profile

novum 12.18 »editorial illustration«

novum 12.18 »editorial design«

We´ve all seen them – the now legendary Donald Trump covers by Edel Rodriguez. They are an extreme example, but they show very well just how much power editorial illustration can wield. In this issue we not only talk to Edel Rodriguez but present a range of other noteworthy illustrators whose drawings are opening up brand new worlds.
We also talked to Dutch design legend Gert Dumbar and feature numerous great studios from around the world. Plus there´s our annual Christmas draw, with many attractive design prizes to win.

The cover

Unusually for novum, this cover was produced without any special finishes at all. For the paper we chose Tintoretto Ceylon from Fedrigoni, for its fineness and subtlety combined with a special character. It harmonises perfectly with the motif, created by French designer Thomas Danthony to interpret this month´s focus on editorial illustration and at the same time to demonstrate how illustration can play with different levels of interpretation.
A well chosen paper and a strong motif – sometimes you don´t need much more to create a good cover…​​​​​​​

All this and more awaits in this issue of novum!

Copies of this issue can be bougth here

Cover design 
Thomas Danthony

Tintoretto Ceylon, Zenzero 250 gsm by Fedrigoni

Offset printing 

Tobias Holzmann, Miriam Zimmer

novum 12.18 »editorial illustration«

novum 12.18 »editorial illustration«

Graphic design magazine with a special focus on editorial illustration.
