A series of posters for 4City – a space that makes the city comfortable for life.
4City consists of a Frebule restaurant, a co-working space and a lecture hall.
70% of profits from the space goes to urban projects. 300 people donated $1,000 each to establish 4City.
Now everyone from Odesa can submit their project to grant competition and win funding.
4City involves citizens and experts in joint creation of urban projects.

P R O J E C T   G O A L S
1/ To show an example of successful unification of people around a general idea of ​​a city development.
2/ To create a successful example of social entrepreneurship.
3/ To generate money to support urban social development projects in Odesa.      
4/ To popularize an idea of ​​improving the city.
5/ To involve Odesa residents in independent improvement of their city through their actions.
6/ To launch the site where developmental and educational events will be held.

The themes of the posters are 5 main areas of city development: 
urban ecology, city heritage, public spaces, city communities, city services.     
U R B A N   E C O L O G Y
C I T Y   H E R I T A G E
C I T Y   C O M M U N I T I E S
C I T Y   S E R V I C E S
P U B L I C   S P A C E S

