Kelly O'Rourke's profile

Waterhouse Lawyers

Boutique law firm, Waterhouse Lawyers, engaged KO Studio to create a premium brand identity and a customer facing website. We delivered a bold identity that reflected the level of expertise and professionalism held by the firm and designed a digital platform for Waterhouse Lawyers to launch with absolute confidence – attracting attention from prospective clients, potential employees and industry competitors alike.
I have a boutique law firm… I was aware of the value of a great website so the first thing that I did to engage Kelly to create my website. The initial outlay has repaid itself over and over and over again. Much of my work has come through my website. In my view this is because the quality of my website surpasses all other competition.

Kelly asked me a range of questions so that she totally understood my requirements. As I specialise in tax I wanted a professional yet friendly website. It was also very important that it was SEO friendly. Kelly designed a fantastic website and every inquiry that I receive mentions what a wonderful website it is. Proof of the success of my website is that I now rank first on any SEO search of tax lawyer. This would not have been possible without Kelly’s brilliant design. 

I cannot recommend Kelly highly enough.

Principal, Waterhouse Lawyers
Waterhouse Lawyers

Project Made For

Waterhouse Lawyers
