Jill Ambrose's profile

Colorado Republican State Assembly | 2018

For the Colorado Republican State Assembly, I was asked  to design a logo, credentials, and program for the thousands of delegates, elected officials and members of the press who attended the 2018 Republican State Assembly.
For the logo, I wanted there to be a Colorado State theme throughout the materials, while paying homage to the Republican Party. The final logo features the “C’ colors found on the Colorado State Flag, as well as an elephant, the Republican Party’s mascot.
The Party required various credentials to easily identify the roles of attendees. The credentials featured the logo, and a white line to add depth and continue the look for the state flag. The background is a picture of the Flat Iron Mountains, which overlook Boulder, Colorado, the site of the Assembly, and a space for a sticker with the name the attendee.
The Colorado theme is continued to the program, where the logo and Flat Iron Mountains are prominently featured. The program itself needed to contain a vast amount of information, including advertisements, resolutions, legal information, and more. This was a challenging and exciting project that truly demonstrates the level of creativity and professionalism that JAM offers.
Colorado Republican State Assembly | 2018

Colorado Republican State Assembly | 2018
