O.F. Hald Brewery Identity

A new Bergen brewery wipes the dust off a proud beer tradition.

O.F. Hald Brewery might sound new to people living in Bergen today, and you have to be pretty old to know that Ole Falk Ebbel Hald was a familiar name for more than 100 years ago. In 1887 this man, both a pharmacist and a Head brewer, founded his own brewing company named O.F. Hald Bryggeri.

Quickly his beers where renowned to be the first premium handcraft beer in Bergen. And the proud illustrated H on his bottles where resembled with taste and quality. But the O.F. Hald Brewery was bought up by competitors in 1912, and the name has been unused until know.

It was natural for O.F. Brewery today to continue to use the H in their logo but give it new reference and a sense of belonging to the people of Bergen – keeping true to the heritage of the brand. The brewery is situated by the banks of Puddefjorden, close to the beautiful arched bridge crossing it. The arch forms the strong bond between the pillars of history – from then to now. The strong H is back in Bergen beer handcrafted history.
O.F .Hald Bryggeri is owned by Norske Bryggerier (Norwegian Breweries)
Norske Bryggerier is partly owned by Rema 1000 (supermarket chain)

Studio Photo: Geir Solem Lysbakken
Photo 1905 - Ole Falk Ebbel Hald and family: O. Svanø.
Photo bridge: Monica Aasen

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O.F. Hald Brewery Identity

O.F. Hald Brewery Identity

Brewery Identity and packaging
