Katie Fredrich's profile

Social Media Direct Mailer

Class: Graphic Info Systems (ART 405)- Fall semester '18

Project: We were tasked with recording our social media usage over the course of a four-day period. The challenge was to use our data and implement it into a direct-mail piece while showing the information in a visually appealing manner.

My piece was a small multi-folded booklet that included a wheel for the viewer to turn. I wanted to stay true to the colors associated with each social media platform I included, as well as utilize the different icons used on each platform.
The page below includes two die-cuts to make use of a wheel (shown at the bottom). 
The wheel was utilized to compare the average user's data versus my data; for example, the average user's screen time is 3 hours and 23 minutes, versus my screen time which is 2 hours and 53 minutes.
Social Media Direct Mailer

Social Media Direct Mailer
