Before these crowded streets - Jaipur*India
I only see what remains to be done. - Jaipur*India
You never know what’s at the end of the line. - Varanasi*India
I get deeper into this thing, the deeper I go. - Varanasi*India
To build a home - Bodh Gaya*India
Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress. -  Varanasi*India
They are a symbol of the divine bounty of Earth. - Varanasi*India
How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second. - Mumbai*India
Many kinds of monkeys have a strong taste for tea, coffee and spirituous liqueurs. - Jaipur*India
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday. - Varanasi*India
A gentleman is simply a patient wolf. - Jaipur*India
The realm of dreams, the special province of something or someone - Varanasi*India
Bubble fizz on my mind - Mumbai*India
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you’re a leader. - Jaipur*India
Tell everyone in the world, that I’m you. - Jaipur*India
A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults. - Varanasi*India
I have in me all the dreams of the world. - Jaipur*India
Empathy nurtures wisdom. Apathy cultivates ignorance. - Bodh Gaya*India
If only everything... - Varanasi*India
For you, a thousand times over. - Varanasi*India
Once part of a moment in someone's life - Madurai*India
Loosing a bus, catching a smile. - Madurai*India
A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself. - Madurai*India
India Diaries


India Diaries
