Rebecca Duncan's profileKelly Paterson's profile



For this project, we were approached by the Western Province Blood Transfusion Service to create a film that would help save lives. The initiative was to boost the amount of blood donors in the Western Cape by eradicating the fears and stigmas surrounding the donation process. Our insight was that many people in the Western Cape are concerned with environmentalism and saving the planet and animals, yet do not prioritize blood donation and the saving of human lives. The idea was to contrast the great efforts one has to go to in order to save the planet and undo all the damage done to it, in comparison to the extreme ease of saving lives through blood donation. This was done not only by the creation of the video, but also through the use of the hashtag #3lives30minutes, also used to put emphasis on how quick and easy it is to make a life changing impact on up to three people. 

You could start by cutting meat out of your diet.
dairy products too.​
Grow your own vegetables and stop using plastic. 
Be sure to shop at environmentally friendly stores and don’t forget to donate money to that company promoting ocean conservation. 
Step it up a notch. 
Organize a beach clean-up.
 Protest against the use of micro-plastics. 
Go completely green and only use herbal body products.
Stop wearing bras.
A​ctually, stop wearing clothes
 ​unless you’ve made them yourself, of course. 
Start an anti-poaching campaign. 
Sign a petition to save the bees. 
Free weekend? 
Plant some trees. 
Not good enough? 
Move to Bali and volunteer to work for an NGO that rescues turtles. 
Sail the seven seas and save the whales by boycotting Japanese harpoonists. 
Set fire to the buildings of corporates responsible for oil spills. 
Don’t wear fur. 
Publicly humiliate those who do wear fur.
 Do all of this and make a small but significant difference.
Or; you could donate blood and save up to three human lives 
they matter too.


