Fekry Studio's profile

Interaction Design Snippets

Hello Behance 👋
I'm Fekry, Product Designer .. Have been posting my work on Dribbble for the past few years, So I thought maybe I can start being a member of Behance awesome community as well! 

Here are some interaction design shots I have done through the 2018-2016 Let me know your thoughts😍!
SafePixel, A photo sharing app that is end-to-end encrypted.
SafePixel, The process of sending an image to a group of friends.
A simple scrolling-based interaction for a news part in educational arabic app.
Exploration for the architecture of an app was made for GSK pharmacies
A Bills payment process for a closed community app based in ME.
The process of Adding a promo code while checking out through a grocery shopping app.
Interaction Design Snippets

Interaction Design Snippets

Interaction design snippets from my past work from 2018-2016!
