Magazine Layout
The task for this project was to produce digital layouts which adhered to the design philosophy of the Swiss Style. We had to produce a minimum of 2 different layouts, one which was image based and one that was text based. For each of these we had to produce a front cover and an inside double-page spread for each layout.
At least one of the projects had to conform to the International Style.
We were to design a brochure based around the 'Brighton Museums Review 2012' which was a document reviewing the Brighton Museums, or any one of the museums that fall within the Brighton & Hove boundary.
My choice was the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery which came as a great surprise to me as I hadn't been there for many years and was a complete revelation to me, as it had transformed beyond recognition.
Housed within the Brighton Pavillion and Dome complex it really is a must see.
The inspiration for this cover came from the tiling that adorns the walls in parts of the museum, I had taken random photos on my first visit, of not only the exhibits but also the stunning architecture of the buildings. As Swiss Style is very much to do with geometric patterns, I thought that this would be a good starting point for my cover design. 
Another element that became apparent in Swiss Style was the use of block colours and contrasting colours. Originally in my draft scketches for this design, I had just placed the text and images on a grid and aligned everything, but it was lacking impact so I incorporated the clour pallette from the cover in blocks behind the text and added them also as a thin edging strip to the pages. This was far better and brought the overall effect together cohesively
I have used Alte Haas Grotesk as the body text, which is a font that was widely used in Swiss Style design
For the cover I have used Coolvetica which is based on Helvetica but with a slight twist. I espeacially like how the t's,y's and g's are formed.
This cover was my homage to the early Swiss Style. I have used the red and black palette used in many early works,and below the double page spread has no images only text with varying font sizes.
In this example which was my first rendition of this cover is nearly a reverse of the above.
During my research I found many examples of Swiss Design that were set at an angle, I have tried to replecate this effect in the example below
With the layout below I wanted to create a clean sophisticated look, with the use of interesting fonts and cropped close up imagery.
Below are an aray of workshops for a business brochure, travel magazine, and various early layout considerations for text and images.


A study of International Typographic Style (Swiss Style)
