Sonja Trajkovic's profile

Chimney RE:creation / Bio-gas energy plant

Chimney RE:creation / Bio-gas energy plant, academic project
mentorship: Igor Rajković
The Bio-gas energy plant project is an integral part of the second phase of the DKTI program, as well as a cooperation with the planned Recycling center in Vinča. Organic waste has a major impact on climate change and it causes 60% loss of biodiversity. The position of the Green Refinery in the city center allows economic and time savings when transporting organic waste. The proximity of the river represents a favorable connection with the Vinča landfill, which enables economic and time savings when transporting organic waste. Established bio-energy plantation reduces organic waste and is used for the purpose of electric generation. In addition to energy, as a result of the process, fertilizer is obtained which enables the cultivation of energy plants in the plantation zone. These plants use C02 from the process of bio-gas production, making this process C02 neutral. The green refinery in this way becomes an energy farm and an industrial park that offers a number of educational and entertainment facilities to the city's residents - workshops, lectures, conferences, restaurants - coffee. The process of bio-gas production involves several stages: 1. the delivery of waste and energy plants form the silo to the mixing and homogenizing tank; 2. tank - pasteurization at 70 degrees Celsius; 3. pumping the mixture into pumps to the anaerobic digester; 4. mixing at 35-55 degrees Celsius for 30-60 days; 5. delivery of gas to the gas tank; 6. filling the fertilizer into the fertilizer tank. With this project the former industrial zone was transformed into a green heart of the city.
Chimney RE:creation / Bio-gas energy plant

Chimney RE:creation / Bio-gas energy plant
