CGIPlates .'s profile

CGIPlates on Gumroad

We are adding all of our content slowly to Gumroad to help incrase sales but also offer more affordable prices. Gumroad will not have Raw file options or High Res Jpegs, but the quality offered will still be plenty good for any enthusiast. If for whatever reason you have the need for higher res or want the raw photo files you can always purchase them from our website direct.

Our Gumroad Page can be found HERE
All of our content is now on gumroad. Due to us having so much we are utilizing the search feature Gumroad offers.

Using the search feature there are keywords you want to use.
City = "CY_"
Field = "FLD_"
Industrial = "IND_"
Road = "RD_"
Urban = "UN_"

CGIPlates on Gumroad

CGIPlates on Gumroad

We are uploading all of our content slowly onto Gumroad to offer a more affordable price.


Creative Fields