Two view of an amazing Hawaii sunset by Christopher Johnson

The sky looked promising to become a beautiful sunset. I got to the location I wanted to shoot an hour early to scout out my spot and pre-visualize. I had some time to kill while waiting for the sun to get to the location I wanted for a straight on shot. I nearly started to play on my phone when I glanced back at the Hualalai mountain and was blown away by the scene that was taking place. Instead of being on my phone I photographed the mountain and landscape and then immediately began shooting the ocean and shoreline. 

This was a reminder to always look around while out photographing.

Images are available for purchase on Fine Art America
This Hualalai Panorama is a combination of 9 images stitched together in Adobe Photoshop
Kona Sunset

Kona Sunset

Two views on an amazing Hawaii sunset from the Kona coastline. © Christopher Johnson
