Based on the idea of a pop-up greeting card, the letters are cut out and folded forward to create the illusion of letters floating on water.
This spread is based on the idea of glass because it is one of the most reusable and common recyclable material.
A good reason why recycling is becoming more popular among businesses.
The letters are broken down and printed on paper before folding into paper balloon cubes arranged to spell "unplug electric tools" as a way to express the phrase in the idea that a computer and printer was used to create the type, however the act of folding and placing together is unplugged from the use of computers to create an interesting composition.
This spread further emphasizes the different placements of the previous subject.
Folded paper that mimics solar panel structures when opened.
Another well-known way to produce energy while reducing waste are the use of wind turbines that utilize the power of strong blowing winds. The cutout at the left edge allows the reader to spin the paper propellers that imitate the spinning wind turbines.
Further research that tells more about paper and trees.
The use of beautiful type to pass along the idea of recycling aluminum, especially after enjoying a can of soda.
By exploring the capabilities of Photoshop CS5, a method of offering 3D type within a cityscape is possible.
This spread was created using a combination of 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
This spread was a labor of love as it required the most work.  Viewing this page face forward allows for two text spreads to be displayed at once.
Back cover that magnifies the theme image which was entirely produced in 3D Studio Max.
Spine of the type-driven 3D type book.
Sustainable 3D Type

Sustainable 3D Type

Exploring typography, layout, and color is the main objective of this book. The theme is using 3D typography to pass along information and method Read More
