Natalia Figueroa's profile

Discordant Dreams- Feminine Fractal Spirits

This is another strain of the Fractal Spirits series. This series finds spirits in my JWildfire fractals that give off feminine vibes and emphasizes the color pink as a symbol of traditional femininity. Most images feature one raw fractal, some feature pieces of other fractals and Photoshop brushes as accents.
Galactic Woman
Katarina, The Vain Nematsu
Quantak Orb Eggs
Queen Evette's Cyclonic Radiance
Sister Lin Watching Over Orphaned Eggs
The Celestial Queen Tiye
Wintingian Bride, Husband and Wintingianettes
Discordant Dreams- Feminine Fractal Spirits


Discordant Dreams- Feminine Fractal Spirits

An offshoot of the Fractal Spirits series emphasizing otherworldly feminine fractals spirits.
