Wayfinding systems's profile

Moscow wayfinding system

Moscow wayfinding system.

The development of a unified wayfinding system in Moscow is an ambitious task conceived by the city government.

At the time of the development of a unified wayfinding system in the city there were several unrelated wayfinding systems:
- Wayfinding system to social objects;
- Wayfinding system for commercial facilities;
- System of house signs;
- Tourist wayfinding system.

As a result of competitive procedures, our team started to work.
First of all, we had a task to conduct large-scale research of the urban environment in the part of the city master plan and its development, city architecture, pedestrian and transport infrastructure, current legislation and regulations, the target audience of wayfinding, international experience in this field, etc.
As a result of our work, the Concept of a single wayfinding system was developed, which consisted of 20 volumes, totaling more than 2000 thousand pages.
The concept of a single wayfinding system in Moscow.
This concept was signed by all the key ministries of the city of Moscow, after which we started the project work.

We had large-scale work in the city.
More than 300 employees with special equipment conducted research of the city territory to find the places of installation of wayfinding signs.
Cartography specialists collected data in a single database on a daily basis and filled the map with points of placement of wayfinding signs.

Press about the project:
Moscow wayfinding system

Moscow wayfinding system

We create the unique wayfinding and OOH projects for cities, sport objects and parks.
