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Reducing Expenses By John J. Bowman Jr., Accountant

One doesn't need to be a financial planner to find ways to cut back on spending. With a tight budget and impeccable saving strategies, anybody can find ways to reduce their monthly expenses.  Anyone can learn how to bring in more money, simply by cutting back on certain things.  If you’re considering developing a budget plan, consider the monthly expenses that you can eliminate first, and how you can cut down on the rest:

Figure out Where the Money is Going
The first step in cutting back on spending is to find out where the money is currently going. Start by printing bank statements, finding bills, looking over receipts, and reading credit card statements.  You can then decipher you essential expenses from your expendable ones. With a clear understanding of where the money that is coming in is going, it'll be easier to identify how to cut back.  Always remember, necessities first.

Cut Monthly Expenses that are Unnecessary
When you find the expenses that may not be necessary, single them out to give you an idea of how much you’re spending on them monthly.  Spending a few hundred on eating out each month? This is an example of an unnecessary expense that can easily be cut. To cut back on dining out and similar expenses, focus all food spending on the budget for the grocery store. Once fixing a grocery store budget, it'll be easier to get a handle on what money can be spent on restaurants and dining out.

Get Creative and Save More Money
Getting creative to save money means thinking outside of the box. Consider downsizing by any means necessary. This can take the form of trading in one car for a more efficient model with less monthly payments. Another creative way to downsize is opting for an apartment or home that has a cheaper rent. Going the extra mile to cut monthly expenses may be difficult at first, but it will be worth it.
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Reducing Expenses By John J. Bowman Jr., Accountant

Reducing Expenses By John J. Bowman Jr., Accountant

John J. Bowman Jr. Accountant shares an excerpt from his blog, "How to Cut Down on Monthly Expenses"


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