Waves Of Doppler - Brutalist|Official Music Video

Here are some loop Gif
These are some design process
We use Zbrush to create some concept sculpting.
some environment

{ Waves Of Doppler - Brutalist|形象影片 }

空集這次為都普勒浪潮 Waves of Doppler(許家維)的新專輯製作製作了整體的視覺規劃,首先釋出的是專輯形象影片。我們以超現實的視覺風格詮釋從無到有的概念,畫面中的方體在醞釀中蛻變成白色的水泥結構開始擴張,空間象徵著音樂的傳遞。

We have created a visual plan for Waves of Doppler(Hsu Chia-Wei)'s new music album. Here's the branding teaser of the album.
We went with the surreal visual look to interpret the concept of building from scratch. The cubes in the film are in the process of becoming white concrete structures; when it starts to expand, the motion of occupying space symbolizes the transmission of music.
Chia-Wei's music is full of imagination, and it gives us limitless possibilities to explore for its visual. We will soon present the design of the physical record as well. Please stay tuned!

Brutalist 線上聆聽:

// Credit
Client|派樂黛唱片Dark Paradise Records
視覺製作 Visual Production|Nulls Design
主視覺設計 Graphic Design|劉承杰 Jie Liou,董十行 Steven Tung
動態製作 Animation|董十行 Steven Tung
製片 Visual Project Manager|陳亮至Liang-Chih Chen
音樂 Music|都普勒浪潮 Waves Of Doppler by 許家維 Hsu Chia-Wei

#Techno #Brutalist #musicvideo #nullsdesign

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這美好的音樂來自Brutalist的曲目Taiwanese Horror,我從音樂的結構整理了幾幕關鍵的畫面,主軸為敘述虛無中誕生空間的過程,並串聯專輯概念"粗野主義"的設計元素貫穿影片,並設計了一位開場的角色在片頭與片尾,名為"計算者",他在片頭掌握著黑色方體漂浮在黑夜的水面上,方體在醞釀中蛻變成白色的水泥結構開始擴張,象徵虛無的過渡與具象,以各種極簡結構的物體放置在環境中增加,而環境因計算者開始振幅轉為白天,影片裡運用了重複性手法表現空間是無限的概念,以類似神話的概念交代世界誕生的韻律。

by 十行

Thanks for watching 

Waves Of Doppler - Brutalist|Official Music Video