Design 360° Magazine No.77 Design of the Future


No.77  Design of the Future  |  未來設計力

Nowadays, the intervention of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have increased the unpredictability of the future of design. It is intriguing to think about the relationship between new technologies and design. Some technologies can generate countless fascinating and unique results, but they have surpassed the human level of comprehension. While adjusting technology to the extent that people can handle or control is one important duty of designer. In this issue, Design of the Future, we asked the question about where design is heading forward. “Creativity” may have different connotations in different eras, but its original meaning remains unchanged, that is, the practice of imagination. The editors hope that this issue will stimulate readers’ vision of the future and can also serve as a glimpse of the demand for future designers’ capability.


book i   Lab  影像

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book ii   Trail  行跡  |  Design in Mexico City  墨西哥城設計力

Sincere thanks to AGI Open MX and Lance Wyman

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book iii   Force 原力  |  Design of the Future  未來設計力

Driven by Technology  科技驅動

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Enlightened by Digit  數字啟示

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180° Feture  |  Call for Korea Design Culture  韓國設計新風潮

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270° Exchange  |  JAGDA New Designer Award 2018  2018 JAGDA新人獎

: click the names to view more :

| She Says – Five Design Life Samples  她們說 — 五個設計生活樣本

- 張冰(Zhang Bing)
- 蔣茜(Jiang Qian)

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315°Blink  視野

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Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang

Associate Chief Editor: Hyde Ou

Editorial Consultants : Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Javin Mo / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問 : 肖勇 / 陳楠 / 毛灼然 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊

Design Assistants : Antiny Wu / Human Cai
設計助理:吳燕婷 / 蔡曉敏

Coordinator & Flowcharting : Lauren Luo

Editors :Lauren Luo / Yuer Bi / Yeeman Lin / Daan Chen
編輯 : 羅咏詩 / 畢玉兒 / 林怡雯 / 陳丹


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Design 360° Magazine No.77 Design of the Future

Design 360° Magazine No.77 Design of the Future

Nowadays, the intervention of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have increased the unpredictability of the fu Read More
