Natalia Figueroa's profile

Discordant Dreams- Fractal Spirits Vol. 7

I wasn't sure if I could keep the Fractal Spirits series going but I proved myself wrong with this latest installment. Each image features a raw x symmetry fractal composition made in JWildfire and is post edited in Photoshop Elements. The spirits make themselves known after morphing with symmetry, color, lighting, brushes and sometimes other fractals to bring them out.

A Trinitarian From Hoag's Object
Bullfrog Maiden
Hot Words From His Mouth
Magical Berry Blast
Opening The Gates of The Mind
Solar Sadness
Dragon Flyer
Discordant Dreams- Fractal Spirits Vol. 7


Discordant Dreams- Fractal Spirits Vol. 7

The 7th installment of Fractal Spirits in which I develop the entites I see in my fractal compositions.
