So this was my first project ever during my design study. You can imagine that when someone says to you: 'oh you have carte blanche just imagine/create something in which you believe that it's gonna be huge in the future.', you're kinde freaking out. 

So yhea thats when you start to think and start doubting if your idea is good enough or futuristic enough. But hey I ended up creating a feminism magazine cause I believe the power of paper will always exist! 
 A book, doesn't matter how old, is a pure piece of history. Writers and books always intrigued me and that's how my final idea was formed. 
What if I created a magazine that would be everything the future breathed but also was a direct link to history.
 So this is the part where I created a feminist magazine which included QR-codes. The QR- codes are just a visualization of what would be possible in the future. Probably then there would be a micro chip in every page. This means that whenever you would see something you like you just have to scan the piece with your phone et voila you're directed to another page/site where you could buy the piece or more info would await. That's how upsidedown was created.


A interactive magasin design with QR codes
