Jenna Lee's profile

a cure for distance

Distance is not only the measurable space between two points, it is also a quality that can be felt.
It is a deep longing for closeness, for a connection where space and time have created disconnection. 
‘a cure for distance’ is a two-year collaborative research project including the creation of a new body of work exploring feelings of distance and closeness. Below is the pitch document submitted to galleries in preparation for an exhibition. 
This project developed as a part of the pilot Blak Curatorial Exchangea six-week professional development program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists who where interested in developing their curatorial skills. 
At its completion, 'a cure for distance' will create a new body of work, a short essay on the experience as well as a collaborative exhibition with another artist or poet exploring similar themes. 
In October 2018 I will be relocating to London in order to become physically close to objects of
my ancestors currently housed in some of the oldest collecting institutions in the world. In doing so I will place 16,516 km of distance between myself and my home, family, friends and country. 16,516 km of distance between all that I feel connected to. 
As Aboriginal people, we are acutely aware that ‘connection to country’ is a huge aspect of cultural strength and identity. However, what are the effects of distance and closeness on our identity as Aboriginal people? What happens to our identity and strength when we a distant from our country, people, stories, objects and knowledge? How do these feelings affect our sense of connection and inform our identity? Are we able to truly feel connection where there is distance? Can we become disconnected in our pursuit of closeness? Is there a cure for the endless tide of conflicting emotions? 
‘a cure for distance’ will not only work through personal feelings of distance and closeness but also work towards ‘curing’ the distance forced on our objects that where removed from country. I hold the belief that the objects of our ancestors are embrued with their spirit and contain echoes of their voices within. The body of work created will be a form of artistic repatriation whereby images, information and contemporary expressions of the objects can be returned home. 
The aim of the project is to utilise the collections within museums as well as libraries and archives, to explore, research and create in response to the Larrakia, Wardaman and Karajarri objects held. 

a cure for distance

a cure for distance
