Hi. The Wanderer is a series of illustration I did in a week. Every piece of it, is the visual representation of my daily thoughts. Every day, I'd write down my insecurities in my notes and from that I will searching for image reference on Pinterest and start drawing. But there's a twist, instead of stressing on the insecurities, I prefer to feedback those thots with a self motivation. I chose galaxy as the background, simply because I am bad at drawing background and I think galaxy is a good representation of life in general, isn't it?

You think you've known it all? Guess what?
No you have not.
Keep hungry on learning. 
The world is always bigger than what you think it is. 
Life will be pointless without problems. 
When they come to stay for a while in your life, 
all you got to do is keeping your head up high.
Because, being pitiful won't get you anywhere. 
Just walk thru it, there's always light up above you.
You don't have to rush everything. 
Take a moment to just sit back and relax. 
The end of the tunnel is always right before you. 
Momentum is here for you to enjoy. 
So again, take your deep breath, sit back and relax.
So, relax.
You are the commander of yourself.
It's all in your hand.
Good luck!
The Wanderer

The Wanderer

A daily illustration where I try to visualize my insecurities into motivation from the drawings.


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