Remake of old PS3 XMB concepts
The original designs gained an incredible response when I posted these designs 4 years ago now. I was overwhelmed with interest at the time, and have recently been asked to remake them so they are HD and suitable for publication in a new GUI book. Check them out if you have time! It had over 100,000 views and was even spread across various news websites as OFFICIAL leaked Sony designs! Not bad for something I created when I was 16 on a Sunday!
Anyway I figured I would repost these updated designs, just for old times sake. As I was under a pretty tight schedule, trying to redo these designs around university the overall scheme hasn't changed too much, content is just more rationally organised and a bit slicker  [:smileyhappy:]  I added 4 more years of design experience to them as well, and for the record these were extremely rushed and put together in about 3 hours!
PS3 GUI redesign

PS3 GUI redesign

A recreation of my previous ps3 interface design that had a ridiculous response on the web around 4 years ago. Recently recreated in HD for publi Read More
