b r a n d o n c h e n g 

A short & fun self-started project. Creating a visual identity for myself.
My Handwriting (digital) was used. (Simply because it is my own handwriting)
It also gives of the feeling that I wanted to portray, fun, simple and relaxed.
The feeling of this squiggly handwritten branch also seem to be able to be fit as a monogram or a logo rather well.

The little ascending stroke at the end of the 'h' was added because someone once told me that a signature should always end up in an ascending stroke. To symbolise success. 

Better play it safe :O
WAVYYY branch
By using different bright and contrasting colours, and with each squiggly alphabet as a monogram, I was able to create an interesting visual effect.
The "typeface" if you could call it that. Can also be adapted into a 3D effect. Done in Adobe Illustrator.


Personal branding project
