Aria Hughes's profile

Guinevere the Navigator

I remember the day my father left for his final journey, I had a bad feeling about the ill-fated trip as the weather had begun to deteriorate, and something about his new navigator Uther had me on edge. “Don’t go Papa, please stay.” I pleaded, trying to convince the stubborn man that was my father that this was not a good idea.  “Oh Gwen, it will only be a few weeks, I’ll be back in no time at all.” He replied softly, picking me up. I was so small at the time, only nine years old. It’s no wonder that he wouldn’t believe my suspicions. “Uther-“ I started, “Gwen, stop. Uther is a good man, and a fantastic navigator.” He replied, setting me down on a shelf. 
I watched as he packed, trying to formulate a plan that would force him to stay. “It’ll be fine, I’m not a stranger to bad weather and rough seas.” He reassured as I fought back tears. I hopped down from the counter. “I just wish I could come with you.” I said shakily, a few tears escaping down my cheeks. “I know sweetheart, I’d be lucky to have you with me. You’re going to be one hell of a navigator, Gwen. I hope you understand.” He replied, squatting down to my height. He wiped my tears with his thumb. His weathered skin felt like sandpaper in comparison to my soft, unblemished face. “I love you so much, Guinevere, and I promise I will come back as soon as I can.” He whispered softly, kissing my cheek. Then, with no other words but a large sloppy grin, he left. 
The next months were a blur. After almost a full year had passed without word from my father, there was a sharp knock at the door. I was the first one to the door, and opened it with no hesitation, hoping it was my father. However, I was disappointed. It was Uther, looking absolutely terrible, he looked like death. He stumbled inside the house, falling into a chair. I looked around outside, to see if perhaps my father was lagging further behind. “Ya won’t find him, dearie. He’s long gone.” Uther called out, emotionless. At this, I turned around furiously. “What do you mean he’s gone, Uther?” I demanded. Uther laughed. “Oh, poor girl, a hurricane killed him and the rest of the crew.” “What do you mean! You were supposed to prevent that! Navigators are trained to avoid hurricanes!” Again, my questions were met with laughter. After that, I saw red. I lost all control as I beat Uther the best I could for my young age. It didn’t take much to get him up and out of my house, with the help of my siblings, Morgan and Merlin. Once he was gone, I collapsed. “Gwen, where’s dad?” Morgan asked softly, expecting the worse. “A hurricane killed him, Uther didn’t avoid the storm. Uther is the reason he’s gone!” I screamed between sobs. Morgan shook her head in disbelief while Merlin held me in his arms. 
The next five years were a blur, I barely talked, or did much of anything but look outside at the ocean. The only thing that roused me from my seclusion was Merlin, when he brought Lance along.  Lance was Merlin’s best friend, he was the son of the local fisherman that lived down the road. Before my father’s death I had seen him, but we had never interacted. I wish I had noticed him sooner, as Lance was, in many forms, a blessing. He allowed me to breathe again, and finally I went back to the ocean. We joined a crew and took on the adventures of the sea together. Our little family, we promised to be together forever. Maybe, with their help, I’ll be able to face Uther again, and have my own revenge on him. But for now, I plan to live in the present with my best friends.
Time- One Week
Materials- iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, Procreate
Sketchbook, pencils, black copic markers. 
Guinevere the Navigator