Tap Vs Cap
June 2018

Project H2O was a university project in collaboration with Sydney Water. The concept was to promote the use of tap water in Sydney due to the continuous rise in purchases of bottled water, which has many negative impacts on the environment. The project requirement was to design an intervention or provocation to communicate a message that shifts an individual’s perception of their drinking habits.

It was a group assessment and my role was the concept creator and designer. Our approach was an illustrative story based on two characters, a protagonist ‘Tap’ and an antagonist ‘Cap’. The main message of the campaign conveyed to the target audience of 4 to 10-year-olds that tap water is just as clean and safe to consume and is also better for the environment. The objective was to highlight the health, economic and environmental benefits of tap water to the younger generation.

The campaign consisted of a series of pop art-inspired posters that promoted an ‘upcoming boxing match’. This figurative boxing match reflected the current competition Sydney Water faces with bottled water companies.
Tap Vs Cap

Tap Vs Cap
