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"Multiplicity" is a chapter of "Six Memos for the Next Millennium" by Italo Calvino, from which we had to find a concept and create a booklet.

-“Multiplying the details so that his descriptions and digressions become infinitive” (p.107)
-“The inability to find an ending” (p.110). 

From those quotes, we decided to focus on the never-ending connections and the no limits of space and its details. From these ideas, we created our concept that manifests the infinite links we can find on Wikipedia from the word “multiplicity”. We are going backwards, from a word that at first has no relation to the chapter to finally arrive with the multiplicity concept and understand the connection. As the universe was one of the linked words and our concept relates to it, we made a deeper focus on it by representing the infinitive elements.

Here are some spreads of our layout
Thanks for appreciating

